Timo Mistler - Technical Translator
I have been working as a freelance technical translator for German, English and Spanish since 1999.
At the University of Mainz I received the training necessary for being a good translator. The most important characteristics of a translator include a profound knowledge of both the native language as well as of the foreign languages involved (English/Spanish), excellent specialised knowledge and flexibility.
There was particular emphasis placed on all these qualities at my university, and the students were trained accordingly to improve their translatory skills.
Before I went to university, I had studied business English and had had the opportunity to work for Eduard Rheinberger GmbH. Here I was able to, among other things, acquire experience in translating daily correspondence.
I work for several translation agencies which localize for the market leaders in the fields software, hardware, IT, telecommunication, photography and video games.
Other areas of expertise are technical texts in general, marketing/advertising, philosophy and popular science.
If you need a quick and reliable translator, simply contact me.