Software, Hardware, IT, Telecommunications, Consumer Electronics & Photography
I have translated and reviewed numerous manuals, online helps, software GUIs, tutorials, web pages and brochures for:
IBM, Oracle, Adobe, Microsoft, Siemens, Fitbit, TomTom, Motorola,
Google, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Lexar, NEC, TDK, Informix, Computer Associates, Creative, Snooper, Covidien, DYMO, Zebra, Nikon, and many others.
Video Games
I have been involved in many video game localizations for Atari/Infogrames, Electronic Arts, Sony Online Entertainment, Bethesda Softworks and other leading companies in this market.
I have experience in almost all video game genres - MMORPGs, FPS (first
person shooters), sports games (football/soccer, golf, snowboard,
etc.), racing games, action adventures, simulations, action, shooting,
erotic, puzzle, casual, fighting...
Some titles I worked on:
Casual Games:
Sheepmania, Yummy Yummy, Ducati Moto, AMF Bowling, iPet and others
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim,
Everquest, Everquest II, PlanetSide, Neverwinter Nights (Shadows of
Undrentide; Hordes of the Underdark), Dragonshard, Hellgate: London,
Maple Story, City of Heroes, Champions Online, Sword Art Online...
FPS and other game genres (in no particular order):
Unreal Tournament 2004, Dynasty Warriors 3, Terminator: Dawn of Fate,
Matrix: The Path of Neo, Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 and 3, Transworld
Snowboarding, Big Mutha Truckers 2, Sega GT 2002, Hot Wheels, V-Rally
3, Boiling Point, Getting Up, Still Life, Call of Cthulhu - Dark
Corners of the Earth, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006, LMA Manager 2006,
Rolando, Multiwinia, Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships...
... and many, many more
I have been doing projects for virtually all current platforms available:
PC and Online games
Sony: PS 1, 2, 3, 4, PSP, Vita
Nintendo: GBA, NDS, NGC, Wii
Microsoft: Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One (S, X)
Apple: iPhone and iPod Touch
Mobile phone games